There are several payment options available at the straw notebook factory. Customers can pay with cash, check, credit card, or through online payment services such as PayPal. The factory accepts all major credit cards, including Visa, Mastercard, and American Express. Customers can also pay using bank transfers.
The factory has a 30-day return policy for all its products. If customers are unhappy with their purchase for any reason, they can return the product within 30 days of purchase and receive a full refund. The returned product must be in its original packaging and condition.
The factory ships products within 24 hours of receiving the order. Delivery times may vary depending on the shipping destination. Customers can track their orders using the tracking number provided by the factory.
Yes, the factory offers customization options for its notebooks. Customers can personalize their notebooks with their name, logo or a special message. The factory provides a range of customization options, including embossing and engraving.
In summary, the straw notebook factory produces notebooks that are made out of eco-friendly materials and are of high quality. The factory offers different payment options, has a 30-day return policy and ships products within 24 hours. Customers can also customize their notebooks with logos or special messages.
Suzhou Aiyide Stationery Co.,Ltd. is the proud owner of the straw notebook factory. Aiyide is a leading manufacturer and exporter of stationery products in China. The company produces a wide range of products, including notebooks, sticky notes, and memo pads. Aiyide has a commitment to producing eco-friendly products. The company's website is www.aiyidesz.com, and for inquiries, customers can contact them at sale@aiyidesz.com
10 Scientific Research Papers Related to Eco-Friendly Material used in Notebooks
1. Author: R. K. Trivedi & R. K. Verma ( 2020 ), Title: Applications of nanocellulose/nanocrystals in papermaking: A review, Journal: Materials Today: Proceedings, Volume 26, Pages 2128–2131.
2. Author: Antonio Pizzi (2020) Title: Eco-Friendly Adhesives for Wood Bonding—Harnessing the Power of Tannins, Journal: Coatings, Volume 10, Pages 422.
3. Author: V. S. Singh, S. S. P. Sharma, & H. Chandra (2019), Title: Recent Advances in Eco-Friendly Adhesives for Engineered Wood-Based Composites, Journal: Woodhead Publishing Series in Composites Science and Engineering, Pages 20-45.
4. Author: Syed A. Imran, Uzma Syed, (2019), Title: Eco-Friendly Bio-composites for Packaging Applications: Pea Starch Reinforced with Glycerol, Journal: Polymers & Polymer Composites, Volume 27, Pages 409-417.
5. Author: Muhammad Umar, Shahid Hameed, Muhammad Siddique & Azhar A. Khan (2019), Title: Bio-Based Lignin-Epoxy Resins and Their Composites with Natural Fiber: A Review, Journal: Polymers, Volume 11, Pages 1430–1460.
6. Author: Zhanjun Guo, Huiyu(2020), Title: Preparation and performance of eco-friendly magnesian cement mortar with straw fibre and clay, Journal: Construction and Building Materials, Volume 260, Pages 120476.
7. Author: Asad Ullah Khan, Muhammad Saad, Asma Hassan & Khurram Shehzad (2021), Title: Biodegradable chitosan/locust bean gum hydrogels for sustainable packaging applications, Journal: Waste Management, Volume 107, Pages 396-406.
8. Author: Victor Manuel Santiago, Monica Franco, Javier Luis Lopez-Valdivia et al. (2021), Title: Design of sustainable and biodegradable biocomposite based on protein reinforced with cellulose microfibers using a non-toxic crosslinker, Journal: Polymer Testing, Volume 94, Pages 106930.
9. Author: Yuanyuan Zhang, Yilin Fan, Mingmei Zhang et al. (2019), Title: Fabrication of Eco-Friendly Flexible Graphene/Soy Protein Isolate Composite Films with Enhanced Strength and Barrier Properties, Journal: ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, Volume 7, Pages 9073–9082.
10. Author: Tiezheng Tong, Craig D. Volentine, and Yunhua Xu (2019), Title: A Quantitative Method to Evaluate the Environmental Sustainability of Hydrogen Peroxide Bleaching Processes in Pulp and Paper Production, Journal: ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, Volume 7, Pages 19143-19151.